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truth hurts_The good place 3화_210203 el tres de febrero el miercoles

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결국 어떤 영어도 들리지 않는다는 기쁜 결론이다.


Truth hurts, dosen't it?


So, all I want to do is just check in, see how everyone's holding up.

Just bring some cheer to these extraordinary people.


Did you ever, uh, skim a little off the top for yourself?

skim off the top = skim cream off the top of milk ; 부정 횡령하다는 의미

skim은 살짝 걷어내다라는 뜻이다.


Gracious, no. Every penny was accounted for.

As I raised nearly $60billion, there was quite a lot of pennies.


I also dabbled in some other professions.

dabble 물장난치다 (취미 삼아) 조금 해보다 (장난 삼아) 손대다


Oh, I was Baz Luhrmann's muse for a while.

Modeling? That's a crazy life. 미친 삶이 아니라, 굉장한 삶이다.

Want to tell me about that rock bottom you porbably hit?


I didn't really do it for long. Couture just dosen't fit my body.

I'm cursed with ample bosom.


   couture : the designing, making and selling of the expensive fashionable clothing or the clothes themselves  


And yet you soldier on.

   soldier on : 곤란에 지지 않고 버티어 나가다 / 꾹 참다 / 꾸준히 일하다

                               to continue doing something although it is difficult

                               I admired the way she soldiered on when her business ran into trouble.


Want to tell me about that rock bottom you probably hit?

      rock bottom : the lowest possible level

                                The president's approval ratings have hit bottom rock. 


cartography : the making of maps and charts


Eleanor and I just want see if there's anything we can do to help you.


Oh, Tahani you're so thoughtful.

Plese take a maple butter scone.


I don't love deadline. I prefer to take my time with things.


You never even named your dog, did you?


A hobby. That will bring you a positive experience.
