호기심천국/일간소울영어 (3) 썸네일형 리스트형 멋진 스페인어 문장 500개_241013 494 : I study in the library on tuesdays ; Estuio en la biblioteka a los martes. 495 : Can you repeat, please? ; Puedes repetir, por favor?496 : Do you speak english? ; Hablas ingles? No hablo ingles muy bien.497 : Fine, thanks ; Bien, gracias. 498 : How are you? ; Que tal?499 : Where are you from ; De donde es? Soy de corea.500 : what's your name ; Cual es tu nombre? Me llamo Muil. dk 멋진 영어문장 500개_241013 476 : 나는 결국 영어 선생님이 되었어 ; I ended up becomming an english teacher ; Terminé convirtiéndome en profesora de inglés477 : 여름 프로젝트는 어떻게 되었어? ; How did your summer project go? ; ¿Cómo fue tu proyecto de verano?478 : 내가 맡을게 / 내가 맡지 뭐 ; I'll take over ; Yo me haré cargo 요메 아래 까르고 479 : 많은 훌륭한 사람들이 그러라고 했어요 ; A lot of great people kind of talked me into it.480 : I mean, you can't go wrong with water ;.. not to the extent that we don't take enough happy life_230708 We should have some regulation, but not to the extent to that we don't take risks. We should have some money, but not to the extent to that we don't take enough happy time. Once thought of as impossible, no longer a moonshot. 와우, 연음 웃긴다. 원-스 써터브 애즈 임파서블 Once thought of as noble, no longea Risk activities can induce feelings of accomplishment and euphoria. Health and happiness are often linked, s.. 이전 1 다음